Originally consisting of just the Dora Clothes Stand, the Dora Collection has expanded to include a series of freestanding furnishings that are ideal for bathroom. Made from powder-coated metal, the simple yet functional designs are rust-resistant, so are ideal for use in damp conditions. The Dora Towel Stand allows you to hang several towels at once, as well as providing you with extra storage space below.
By Ferm Living
Dora Towel Stand
Originally consisting of just the Dora Clothes Stand, the Dora Collection has expanded to include a series of freestanding furnishings that are ideal for bathroom. Made from powder-coated metal, the simple yet functional designs are rust-resistant, so are ideal for use in damp conditions. The Dora Towel Stand allows you to hang several towels at once, as well as providing you with extra storage space below.